Ed Tech Leadership Blog #4: Effective Technology Integration in Student Learning

The following five videos were evaluated against criteria established through the CREaTe Excellence Framework developed my Maxwell, Stobaugh, and Tassell (2014).

Video Clip #2 – Microscope (Length 1:02)

Direct Link: https://blackboard.wku.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-5267454-dt-content-rid-29756691_2/courses/201830LITE73747239/video_clip_2.mp4

Scenario:  San Diego State University Entomologists hold a videoconference to interact with students while examining, through an electron microscope, samples of insects gathered and prepared by classmates.  Experts highlight structural components of an insect’s head after discussing parts of an insect’s mouth one week prior.  The brevity of this video clip doesn’t allow enough evidence to determine a definite frame of reference between teacher-directed and student-directed (students could have prepared a list of questions for the experts prior to this teleconference, could have directed the analysis later in the discussion, or engaged in collaborative classroom discussion later in the lesson).

Cognitive Complexity: Level 3 (investigating) because it appears that the expert is leading the discussion to differentiate structures of an insect’s head.  I see no evidence of student-led discussion aside from their initial preparing of the samples.

Real World: Level 3 (investigating) as the students have prepared the samples and are being guided by the experts through a real-world analysis of insect structures.

Engagement: Level 2 (practicing).  Based upon the video clip, students are engaged in the task, directed by the teacher.  I see no evidence of student choice for task or task differentiation based on content, process, or product.

Technology Integration: Level 5 (specializing).  This lesson includes the use of videoconferencing with entomology experts and an electron microscope to analyze the structures of an insect.


Video Clip #3  – Japanese (Length 0:44)

Direct Link: https://blackboard.wku.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-5267454-dt-content-rid-29756692_2/courses/201830LITE73747239/video_clip_3.mp4

Scenario:  Student conducted a survey among classmates to determine peer areas of interest in Japanese culture to coordinate the development of a webpage with relevant links to this information.  Collaborating with the instructor, this material was made available to students to (presumably) supplement an instructional lesson to gain a greater appreciation for Japanese culture.

Cognitive Complexity: Level 5 (specializing).  Student conducted peer questioning to produce material relevant to interests in Japanese culture for classmates.

Real World: Level 5 (specializing).  By collaborating with the instructor, the student created material to assist peers in appreciating different aspects of Japanese culture.

Engagement: Level 4 (integrating).  The student collaborated with the instructor and his peers to identify relevant and interesting aspects of Japanese culture to provide additional resources for his classmates.

Technology Integration: Level 4 (integrating).  Webpage was developed by the student, provided information essential for the instructor in conducting the lesson.  Material was developed through collaboration with instructor and student peers.


Video Clip #4 – Animation (Length 1:30)

Direct Link: https://blackboard.wku.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-5267454-dt-content-rid-29756693_2/courses/201830LITE73747239/video_clip_4.m4v

Scenario:  Students develop computer graphics for use by Microsoft in the creation of a new computer game.

Cognitive Complexity: Level 5 (specializing).  The students are creating their own content, and acting as content experts to assure their graphics are visually appearing and as accurate as possible.

Real World: Level 5 (specializing).  Students are collaborating with software experts at Microsoft to create computer graphics that can be utilized broadly, beyond one specific computer game.  The development of these graphics are based across multiple disciplines including math, physics, and creative writing

Engagement: Level 5 (specializing).  Students collaborate with each other as well as content experts by being fully immersed from topic to presentation of the final project.

Technology Integration: Level 5 (specializing).  This lesson includes the use of technology across multiple disciplines to create realistic computer graphics for a final product for national distribution.


Video Clip #11 – Feel Temperature (Length 1:08)

Direct Link: https://blackboard.wku.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-5267454-dt-content-rid-29756694_2/courses/201830LITE73747239/video_clip_11.mp4

Scenario:  Students participate in a lab activity to investigate differences between perceived and actual temperatures of everyday items.

Cognitive Complexity: Level 3 (investigating).  The teacher directs the students to compare various items, and evaluate the difference between perceived and actual temperatures of these items.

Real World: Level 3 (investigating).  The students are using real world objects and acting as facilitators of the testing.

Engagement: Level 2 (practicing).  The teacher directs all students for the same task of testing the same items subjectively and objectively.

Technology Integration: Level 4 (integrating).  The temperature probe is essential to this project completion, promoting collaboration between students and with teacher to help solve task-directed questions.


Video Clip: Edutopia – Digital Media Empower Youth
(Length 6:00)

Direct Link: https://www.edutopia.org/video/digital-media-empower-youth

**This video clip was the result of a Google video search under the search parameters of “Student-directed learning”

Scenario:  Students in grades 6-12, from four different schools, participate in the Digital Youth Network to gain technological literacy and develop projects they designed.  Classroom time is devoted towards instructional methods, and the students are given access to various software programs in an after school setting, to apply technology skills for the creation of projects they chose.  By establishing this foundational technological base, all teachers are able to integrate digital tools into their classroom curriculum with greater effectiveness.

Cognitive Complexity: Level 5 (specializing).  Students are given technology tools to produce their own multimedia project.  This technological proficiency can be transferred across multiple disciplines ranging from graphic design to creative writing.

Real World: Level 5 (specializing).  Students collaborate with teachers throughout this experience in learning how to critique classmates’ projects and address other national issues such as global warming, and gender equity.

Engagement: Level 5 (specializing).  Students become immersed in the use of technology through in-class and after-class instruction.  This gives them the freedom to develop their own project from start to finish.  Collaborative dialogue is utilized throughout with peers and instructors for constructive critiques in improving individual projects.

Technology Integration: Level 5 (specializing).  The Digital Youth Network is a hands-on, technology based initiative to teach technological literacy.  Students can utilize various software programs to produce video, audio, graphic design, and gaming products while collaborating with classroom instructors for guidance.  The inclusion of several schools within this network allows students to gain perspectives from a diverse population to broaden individual thought processes in addressing national issues.



Video Clip – Student Service Self-Directed Learing Project: Homeless Hope (Length 1:00)

Direct Link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0ZKDDgni9E

**This video clip was the result of a YouTube search under the search parameters of “Student-directed learning projects”

Scenario:  Middle school students are directed to utilize technology to promote an issue important to them.  These two students specifically chose to create a community service project by requesting materials and financial support for care packages to be given to the homeless in Tacoma, WA.

Cognitive Complexity: Level 5 (specializing).  Students are given free rein to identify a problem area within their community.  These students have chosen to address the global issue of poverty by creating a program to support the homeless, determining which materials to include within their care packages to meet basic human needs and utilizing digital media to promote their cause.

Real World: Level 4 (Integrating).  Students draw increased global awareness to poverty in today’s society through video presentation on the internet.  The design of this lesson transfers directly to every other subject area by encouraging identification of a problem and a logical step-wise progression towards finding a solution.  This rating is limited to a level 4 because there is no evidence of students collaborating with experts.

Engagement: Level 3 (investigating).  Students are able to choose their own project to incorporate the use of technology with.  Further, they have chosen to take action based upon their ability to gather/deliver care packages and foster positive change through increased awareness and soliciting financial support.  There is no evidence of students partnering directly with the teacher to define content

Technology Integration: Level 3 (investigating).  The use of digital media appears to be an add-on to the overall project of delivering care packages to the homeless.  While this video draws increased awareness and support to the plight of the homeless, collection of materials and delivering of packages could be accomplished without this technology.


Student service self-directed learning project: homeless hope [Video file]. (2018). Retrieved December 13, 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0ZKDDgni9E

Digital media empower youth [Video file]. (2010). Retrieved November 18, 2018, from https://www.edutopia.org/video/digital-media-empower-youth

Maxwell, M., Stobaugh, R., & Tassell, J. (2014) CREaTe Excellence Framework.  Retrieved November 18, 2018, from https://blackboard.wku.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-5267457-dt-content-rid-29756538_2/courses/201830LITE73747239/CREaTe%20Framework.pdf

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